Some Adjuncts have received a self-evaluation form from their Department Chairs. This has come from the Dean’s Office. Most probably it will be used to determine next year’s raises. If you get one – and not everyone does – here are some guidelines to help you complete it.

  1. Go to the union website, and click on the Collective Bargaining Agreement. You can use the last page of Appendix A, which deals with teaching, as a guideline. Instructional delivery, design and classroom management are all relevant to your work as Adjuncts. Most of that appendix however deals with full time professors not Adjuncts.
  2. Confine your evaluation to those areas that deal with classroom teaching.
  3. If, however, you have published or spoken at a conference, or organized a professional conference or meeting or edited a journal, include that information in your evaluation.
  4. We recommend that you do not say anything about office hours. The contract specifically says that you are not required to keep office hours. However, if you do, it is the union’s position that you should be paid for the time. This is a matter that is currently in negotiation for the new contract. However it is important that you show that you are available to students outside the classroom. You can refer to hours spent in “student conferences” or in email exchanges, Blackboard meetings or phone contacts.
  5. We suggest that you distribute your own student feedback form. Include those as an attachment.
  6. Whatever goals you had for the year, discuss whether or not you met them. If not, why not.
  7. In determining next year’s goals make them very realistic.
  8. You may want to include samples of class materials you’ve used, especially if they relate to your goals for the year.
  9. Include copies of your syllabi, grade forms, hand-outs, Power Points etc.

Make sure you get these to your Chair in a timely manner. The deadlines will vary from department to department, but you should be pro-active in this process.