No. In order to be a member of the UAFP with all rights and privileges, you must join the union.
Simply submit a Member Enrollment Form. Click here and submit to the address, fax number or e-mail on the form. You need only submit this one time.
Everyone in the Collective Bargaining Unit (CBU), as defined by our first contract, is eligible for UAFP membership. The CBU includes the following:

All adjunct faculty members who have received appointments and teach at least three credit hours and/or forty-five hours in the semester including part-time instructors who work in a non-supervisory dual capacity for the University. Excluded are adjunct faculty and part-time instructors employed in the School of Law.

Membership in the CBU – but not the UAFP – is automatic if you meet the above criteria.

No. The UAFP represents all Pace adjuncts who are members of the Collective Bargaining Unit (CBU) as defined above.
E-mail the UAFP at: [email protected] and we’ll check our database to see if you have previously submitted a Member Enrollment Form. If you have, you are a member with all rights and privileges.
Since UAFP negotiates on behalf of everyone within the Collective Bargaining Unit, all CBU members are required to pay 1.5% of gross earnings as a Pace adjunct. If you are a UAFP member, this is your dues. If you are not a UAFP member, this is called an “agency fee.” Such fees are legally chargeable to non-members (“agency-fee payers”) as well as members.

Note that becoming a UAFP member does NOT incur any additional dues.

PLEASE NOTE:  As stipulated by our contract, if you are not up-to-date on your dues payments by the fourth (4th) pay date of the semester, you will be designated as not being eligible for reappointment. If a unit member has not fully paid all dues by this deadline, the University will be notified and the unit member will remain non-eligible for reappointment until all dues to date are paid.

Dues and agency fees support UAFP efforts in collective bargaining, contract administration, individual grievance filings, communication of important information, and all other work the UAFP does on your behalf. A portion of these fees are forwarded to the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Most of that money is spent on organization and support to local unions.

A small percentage of the forwarded amount supports causes that NYSUT/AFT deems valuable to their members. Agency fee payers may be entitled to a rebate of the percentage of their fee that is spent by NYSUT/AFT on such advocacy. If you wish to request such payment for the current academic year, please send a written request to: Treasurer, Union of Adjunct Faculty at Pace (UAFP), 139 Fulton Street, Suite 708 – New York, NY 10038.

The most convenient way for you to pay your dues or agency fee is by automatic deduction from your paycheck. To do so, simply submit a Dues Deduction Authorization Form. Click here for the form and submit a completed, signed copy to the address, fax number or e-mail on the form. You need only submit this one time.

You may also pay your dues or agency fee directly to the union rather than have it deducted from your paycheck although that procedure is more complicated. To pay your dues/agency fee directly please do the following:

1. Inform UAFP of your intent to pay your dues/agency fee directly by downloading the Direct Payer Agreement (click here) and returning it to the UAFP at the address, e-mail or FAX number on the form.

2. Pay your dues according to the procedure outlined in this document: Procedure for Direct Payment of Dues or Agency Fees to UAFP. To download, please click here.

PLEASE NOTE:  As stipulated by our contract, if you are not up-to-date on your dues payments by the fourth (4th) pay date of the semester, you will be designated as not being eligible for reappointment. If a unit member has not fully paid all dues by this deadline, the University will be notified and the unit member will remain non-eligible for reappointment until all dues to date are paid.

Membership is highly recommended because it gives you a voice in Union elections and activity. As an “agency fee payer,” you have no say in how the union is run or how we negotiate for you. You can not vote on our contracts. Nor can you hold office, nominate officers, serve on committees, vote for UAFP leadership, or take part in the contract negotiation process. There are also discounts and benefits available to UAFP members through our parent union NYSUT. For details click here. To join UAFP submit a Member Enrollment Form.Click here
You can read and download the current Collective Bargaining Agreement (our contract), the UAFP Constitution & Bylaws and other important forms and documents under the menu heading “Forms & Documents” at the top of this page.