UAFP & Pace Joint Labor Relations Training

Some of the UAFP negotiating team and representatives of the Pace University administration are taking part in two training sessions with the National Mediation Service. Pace fielded a high-level team that included Dean Herrmann, Associate Provost Adelia Williams-Lubitz, Ron Musselwhite and representatives from Dyson, Lubin, the School of Education and Nursing. People from finance and payroll were also included. It [...]

By |October 9th, 2014|UAFP News|Comments Off on UAFP & Pace Joint Labor Relations Training

Faculty Research Forum Available to Adjuncts Writing Papers

Apply to "Faculty Research Forum" (FRF) for five sessions of support and suggestions on writing peer-reviewed articles or book chapters. Deadline to apply: September 19th. (Click TITLE to read more.)

By |September 10th, 2014|General Info, Opportunities, School Facilities & Resources, Tips, UAFP News|Comments Off on Faculty Research Forum Available to Adjuncts Writing Papers

Barbara Lerner on Leonard Lopate

UAFP President Barbara Lerner spoke yesterday on WNYC's The Leonard Lopate Show about the situation of adjuncts in academia. The first question he asked was how the union changed the adjunct experience at Pace. To listen to Barbara's answer and this highly informative discussion of adjunct issues CLICK HERE.

By |August 5th, 2014|Executive Council, General Info, UAFP in the Press, UAFP News|Comments Off on Barbara Lerner on Leonard Lopate
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