UAFP Wins Appeal for Adjunct Professor

The UAFP and its counsel have just prevailed in an appeal of Pace University’s rejection of an adjunct professor’s entitlement to unemployment insurance.  This is the second challenge we have won in this area. The decision will have positive impact for adjunct faculty who have not received class assignments and wish to apply for unemployment. [...]

By |August 12th, 2016|UAFP News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on UAFP Wins Appeal for Adjunct Professor

Ratification UPDATE

Thank you to all the Adjunct faculty and Part Time Instructors who attended our meeting concerning the ratification of our new contact. While we were a bit disappointed that attendance was low, we appreciate all questions raised to date whether in person or via phone or email. The negotiation team and our attorney worked many [...]

By |August 1st, 2016|UAFP News|Comments Off on Ratification UPDATE

We Have a Contract!

Dear Colleagues, What a wonderful and apt announcement for my first Newsletter as your UAFP President, and a fitting closure to outgoing President Barbara Lerner's tireless tenure at the helm of our union. After a year and three months of negotiations, after 19 sessions including 2 with a federal mediator, Pace Administration and the Union [...]

By |June 26th, 2016|Contract, UAFP News|Comments Off on We Have a Contract!
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